Goji Berry Plants for Sale
One of nature’s best kept secrets! Originating in the Himalayan highlands, it is thought to be one of the most powerful nutritional and anti-ageing foods. The attractive red berries have a mild, sweet liquorice flavour and contain more vitamin C than an orange!
Lycium barbarum more commonly known as the Goji berry, wolfberry and boxthorn are one of the super fruit plants becoming popular for its health benefits, especially with people looking to grow their own Goji Berry Plants.
A deciduous, hardy and woody shrub, the Goji Berry plant is very adaptable to most soil types and typically grow between 6-12ft tall, with large crops being possible within 4-5 years. Our plants are supplied in 3L containers.
The berries can be eaten fresh, dried or juiced and are known to have a number of health benefits such as improving your immune system, protection from eye-related diseases, and protection from cancer.
Gojiberry Preparation, Planting and Onward Care
Gojiberries are not generally difficult to grow, they tolerate light shade, but should be grown in full sun for the best crop. They are hardy, and once established will tolerate wind, salt-laden air (such as coastal gardens) and drought.
Gojiberry plants like a moderately fertile and well-drained soil. To improve drainage try adding additional plant compost to the soil or if planting in pots, some vermiculite to the compost. Plant in full sun for the best berry production, growing in a south-facing position if possible. Goji berry plants will also grow in a large container, such
as a sawn-in-half barrel and container-grown plants can be brought in in the winter and put out again in the summer. However, you will need to replace some of the soil in the container each year and also give them a yearly dressing of compost.
Prepare a 2ft x 2ft (60cm x 60cm) area at each planting spot by digging a hole approx. twice the diameter of the root-ball or pot. Line the bottom of the hole with fresh compost or well-rotted manure. If using manure, also ensure it is well mixed in with the soil. Plant 6ft (2m) apart unless using them to create a hedge or windbreak in which case leave 3ft (1m) between plants. Firm the soil around the plant and water well.
Onward Care
Pruning is best undertaken in the early spring just as the plant breaks into growth. We would recommend pruning is kept to a minimum in order to maximise fruit yield – though Goji’s will recover well from hard pruning. Mulch yearly with well-rotted compost or manure to retain moisture and suppress weeds. Water in dry periods. Apply a Growmore type fertiliser in the spring For plants grown in containers, apply a high potash feed (such as tomato feed) fortnightly
during the growing season.
For maximum fruiting, it is best to train plants against a wall or fence, tying the lax stems onto wires. Wear gloves for protection against spines. Flowers and fruit are formed on the stems that grew in the previous year, so pruning aims
to encourage the production of this wood. Prune lightly in early spring, removing dead and badly-placed shoots. If necessary, cut overlong stems back to a well-placed branch and remove some of the oldest wood. Renovate shrubs in early spring, reducing the plant to a low framework of branches or cutting close to the base. This will cause vigorous re-growth but initially reduces the fruiting. To restrict growth on plants in containers, cut new growth back by up to half in summer however bear in mind that this will reduce the yield.
- Gojiberries
- £10.80
- One of nature’s best kept secrets! Originating in the Himalayan highlands, it is thought to be one of the most powerful nutritional and anti-ageing foods. The attractive red berries have a mild, sweet liquorice flavour and contain more vitamin C than an orange!
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