
Aptly named Glen Mor, translating from old Scots to large, big or great, it is one of the latest floricane releases from the James Hutton Institute, it has performed exceptionally well in trials for vigour and fruit quality, so much so that it was fast tracked from the breeding programme.

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RUBUS idaeus RASPBERRY Glen Mor 3L Pot grown

We are very excited to be able to introduce this variety to our customers. Aptly named Glen Mor, translating from Scots Gaelic, meaning large, big or great, it is one of the latest floricane releases from the James Hutton Institute, it has performed exceptionally well in trials for vigour and fruit quality, so much so that it was fast tracked from the breeding programme. Over a 5-6 week period it produces large, robust, firm raspberries on spine free, straight canes that have a short internode length making it very productive, in trials producing at its peak harvest around 500 grams of fruit per plant. The fruit was described as tasting fruity and sweet, but with a balance of acid and notes of coconut. It is also one of the first to contain the gene for resistance to Phytophthora. It has been grown in flooded and infected ground for 6 years at the JHI and has shown no symptoms.

Truly an outstanding variety and certainly one to challenge for top spot for flavour and vigour in our catalogue.

  • Self fertile
  • Plant 45 cm apart in rows 2 metres apart.
  • Crops – 5-6 weeks from late June

Supplied pot grown in a 3L pot


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1L each, 1L per 2