Tummelberry 3L
The Tummelberry is a relatively new hybrid berry bred by JHI (formely SCRI) and whose name derives from a river in northern Perthshire. It produces vigorous, robust, thorny shoots that are initially erect but then become semi-erect or prostrate as growth proceeds. The very attractive large fruits are similar to that of a Tayberry, deep red in colour turning to purple/red when over-ripe.
The Tummelberry is a relatively new hybrid berry bred by JHI (formely SCRI) and whose name derives from a river in northern Perthshire. It produces vigorous, robust, thorny shoots that are initially erect but then become semi-erect or prostrate as growth proceeds. The very attractive large fruits are similar to that of a Tayberry, deep red in colour turning to purple/red when over-ripe. they have an instense and distinctive flavour, and as with other hybrids are versatile in their use. The berries freeze very well, retaining their shape when thawed.
- Fruits – Mid July-end August
- Planting distance – 3m (10ft)
- Approx height (2m (6.5ft)
This plant is supplied pot grown in a 3L pot